
Plutopia 2011 a science-friction extravaganza d

jonl at 6:14 am Monday, Mar 7

In 2006 corporate futurologist Derek Woodgate and I flashed on the idea of an future-focused think tank that would produce experiential events http://goodcoachoutlet.weebly.com, what Derek has come to call "sense events." Since then we've produced several of these science-friction extravaganzas during SXSW Interactive coach outlet, and last year we formed a future-focused events and entertainment company, Plutopia Productions, with visionary producer Maggie Duval, and logistics wizard Bon Davis. Plutopia is a mashup of "pluralist utopias" - in a world of digital convergence, maker cultures, and DIY domiciles, you can customize your perfect slice of the known universe.

On March 14 during this year's SXSW Interactive, we're producing our latest and greatest, called Plutopia 2011: The Future of Play. This year's event includes Lee Ranaldo (of Sonic Youth) and Text of Light, Intimate Stranger and Telefunken, Scenocosme's Akousmaflora interactive hanging gardens, 8-bit artist Nullsleep, The Total Unicorn Experience, and Portugal's AV wizard Video Jack. We also have talks by Bruce Sterling, Joe Tankersley of Disney Imagineering, and David Merrill of Sifteo.

Plutopia 2011 is an official evening event during SXSW Interactive, which means that Interactive, Gold, and Platinum badgeholders get in free. Our pals at bOING bOING are media sponsors of the event. Plutopia is a great alternative to the usual "booze and schmooze" conference mixers; this should be a highlight of SXSW Interactive week! http://coachfactorystore-bag.weebly.com

