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The Dong Fang Junyi spent nearly half a minute, and finally found the explanation from the huge packet. Original, Pablo knew that military technology in the world today is always better than civilian technology more advanced than half a year has been the practice in a nearby research institutes in Israel. Spent six months cheap oakley radar sunglasses finally basic collection together the Phalcon airborne radar system, and thus the results sent to the East Fang Junyi, and then the next practice. However, the East Fang Junyi this technology what use is it? Phalcon airborne radar system jointly developed by Israel Aircraft Corporation (IAI) and its subsidiary ELTA at the end of the 1980s AWACS. Its prototype fly on May 12, 1993, the detection range of the fighter and attack aircraft 370 kilometers, the helicopter 180 kilometers, and can handle 100 targets.

